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中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (06) : 373 -378. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-123X.2024.06.009


张志勔1, 李晓玲2,()   
  1. 1.730000 兰州,兰州大学第二医院(第二临床医学院)神经内科
    2.730000 兰州,兰州大学第二医院(第二临床医学院)康复医学科
  • 收稿日期:2024-11-08 出版日期:2024-12-15
  • 通信作者: 李晓玲
  • 基金资助:

New advances in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis with extracellular vesicles

Zhimian Zhang1, Xiaoling Li2,()   

  1. 1.Department of Neurology,The Second Hospital&Clinical Medical School,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
    2.Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,The Second Hospital & Clinical Medical School,Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2024-11-08 Published:2024-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Xiaoling Li

张志勔, 李晓玲. 细胞外囊泡在多发性硬化疾病诊断中的新进展[J/OL]. 中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版), 2024, 14(06): 373-378.

Zhimian Zhang, Xiaoling Li. New advances in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis with extracellular vesicles[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Brain Diseases and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2024, 14(06): 373-378.

细胞外囊泡(EV)作为细胞间信息传递的重要介质,可以稳定携带蛋白质、脂质、核酸等物质,其表面与亲代细胞含有共同的特异性标志,可以作为高度敏感性的特异性生物标志物用于临床诊断。多发性硬化(MS)是中枢神经系统自身免疫性炎性脱髓鞘疾病,尚无特异性的诊断标志物,近年来MS 的发病率和患病率呈逐渐增高的趋势。EV 可以用来协助明确MS 的临床诊断、甄别临床分型、监控疾病复发、推测疾病预后,受到了越来越多的关注。本文围绕EV 在MS临床诊断中的应用展开综述。

Extracellular vesicles (EV),as important mediators of intercellular communication,can stably carry proteins,lipids,nucleic acids,and other substances. Their surface shares specific markers with the parent cells,making them highly sensitive and specific biomarkers for clinical diagnosis.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system,and there are currently no specific diagnostic markers for it. In recent years,the incidence and prevalence of MS have gradually increased. EV can assist in clarifying the clinical diagnosis of MS,distinguishing clinical subtypes,monitoring disease relapse,and predicting disease prognosis,which has attracted increasing attention.This article reviews the application of EV in the clinical diagnosis of MS.

图1 中枢神经系统中的细胞外囊泡穿过血脑屏障进入血液循环的示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of extracellular vesicles crossing the blood-brain barrier and entering the bloodstream in the central nervous system
表1 EV相关的特异性标志物
Tab.1 EV-related specific biomarker
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