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中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06) : 336 -342. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-123X.2021.06.004


彭立玮1, 王鹏1, 左威1, 程超1, 杨帆2, 熊东1, 毛紫龙1, 赵磊1, 彭驰3, 张津安1, 张雷1, 李维新1,()   
  1. 1. 710038 西安,第四军医大学唐都医院神经外科
    2. 710038 西安,第四军医大学唐都医院烧伤整形科
    3. 200433 上海,第二军医大学军队卫生统计学教研室
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-07 出版日期:2021-12-15
  • 通信作者: 李维新

Clinical significance of Boogaard angle in surgical decision of basilar invagination reduction

Liwei Peng1, Peng Wang1, Wei Zuo1, Chao Cheng1, Fan Yang2, Dong Xiong1, Zilong Mao1, Lei Zhao1, Chi Peng3, Jin’an Zhang1, Lei Zhang1, Weixin Li1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurosurgery, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038, China
    2. Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038, China
    3. Department of Health Statistics, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
  • Received:2021-11-07 Published:2021-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Weixin Li

彭立玮, 王鹏, 左威, 程超, 杨帆, 熊东, 毛紫龙, 赵磊, 彭驰, 张津安, 张雷, 李维新. Boogaard角在颅底凹陷复位手术决策中的临床意义[J/OL]. 中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版), 2021, 11(06): 336-342.

Liwei Peng, Peng Wang, Wei Zuo, Chao Cheng, Fan Yang, Dong Xiong, Zilong Mao, Lei Zhao, Chi Peng, Jin’an Zhang, Lei Zhang, Weixin Li. Clinical significance of Boogaard angle in surgical decision of basilar invagination reduction[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Brain Diseases and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2021, 11(06): 336-342.










To investigate the quantitative relationship between postoperative Boogaard angle and the improvement rate of patient-reported Japanese Orthopaedic Association(PRO-JOA) score to guide basilar invagination reduction surgery.


The patients diagnosed with craniocervical junction malformation in the Neurosurgery Department of Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University from August 2015 to August 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Twenty-three radiographic sagittal parameters of craniocervical junction including Boogaard angle were measured, and PRO-JOA score were recorded to assess clinical outcomes. PRO-JOA improvement rate(ΔPRO-JOA) and postoperative radiographic parameters including Boogaard angle in patients with basilar invagination were measured.


A total of 94 patients with basilar invagination were included in the study. Boogaard angle was associated with better outcome in ΔPRO-JOA. Boogaard angle was positively associated with ΔPRO-JOA in the unadjusted model(OR=1.04, 95%CI: 1.00-1.08). In the micro adjustment model (adjusted for age and gender), the results did not change significantly (OR=1.04, 95%CI: 1.01-1.08). In the nonlinear model, there was a positive correlation with ΔPRO-JOA with Boogaard angle<160.8° (correction OR=1.22, 95%CI: 1.03-1.44).


Boogaard angle correction will affect ΔPRO-JOA in patients with basilar invagination and can be used as a quantitative reference for whether basilar invagination reduction surgery is combined with posterior fossa decompression.

图1 颅颈交界区矢状位参数测量示意图a:Wackenheim线;b:水平线;c:McRae线;d:寰椎前结节和后结节连线;e:枢椎下终板切线;f:隆椎下终板切线;g:水平线;h:水平线;i:斜坡前缘切线;j:齿突腹侧缘切线;k:Chamberlain’s线;l:齿突背侧缘切线;m:T1上终板中点和齿状尖的连线;n:通过齿状突尖的重垂线;o:T1上终板切线垂线;p:鼻根点和鞍背尖端连线;q:McGregor线;r:硬腭后缘和隆椎椎体中心连线;s:隆椎下终板中点和鞍背尖端连线;t:隆椎下终板切线;u:水平线;v:鞍背尖端和McRae线中点连线;w:McRae线垂直平分线
图2 研究对象纳入排除流程图
表1 94例纳入患者人口学特征统计
表2 ΔPRO-JOA独立预测因素的未调整单因素分析
项目 数据 OR(95%CI) P
年龄[岁,M(Q25,Q75)] 39.00(29.0,49.0) 0.95(0.91~0.98) 0.005
  87(92.55) 1  
  7(7.45) 2.42(0.28~21.13) 0.424
  21(22.58) 1  
  72(77.42) 0.53(0.16~1.77) 0.306
  52(55.91) 1  
  41(44.09) 1.38(0.55~3.47) 0.497
CLV[mm,M(Q25,Q75)] 8.10(5.85,11.00) 1.00(0.90~1.11) 0.978
ADI[mm,M(Q25,Q75)] 1.90(1.50,2.70) 1.00(0.73~1.36) 0.978
C2-7 SVA[mm,M(Q25,Q75)] 13.45(7.07,20.15) 1.01(0.96~1.06) 0.749
C0-1角[M(Q25,Q75)] 7.75°(4.23°,13.55°) 1.02(0.94~1.10) 0.658
C1-2角(Mean±SD) 24.01°±11.39° 1.02(0.98~1.07) 0.276
C0-2角[M(Q25,Q75)] 31.00°(24.10°,40.85°) 1.02(0.98~1.06) 0.298
C2-7角[M(Q25,Q75)] 18.95°(10.05°,25.70°) 1.01(0.97~1.04) 0.713
C2 S[M(Q25,Q75)] 7.80°(3.95°,13.30°) 1.00(0.94~1.07) 0.996
C7 S(Mean±SD) 22.64°±8.50° 1.03(0.97~1.09) 0.360
CraT[M(Q25,Q75)] 4.75°(2.30°,9.20°) 0.95(0.86~1.06) 0.371
CerT[M(Q25,Q75)] 18.30°(12.25°,22.05°) 0.99(0.94~1.05) 0.829
AT(Mean±SD) 82.87°±11.64° 0.98(0.94~1.02) 0.267
CCT[M(Q25,Q75)] 106.55°(93.00°,115.25°) 0.99(0.97~1.01) 0.352
CXA(Mean±SD) 131.20°±14.47° 0.96(0.92~0.99) 0.016
CS(Mean±SD) 52.02°±14.61° 0.96(0.93~1.00) 0.029
CMA(Mean±SD) 140.40°±13.37° 1.02(0.98~1.06) 0.425
BA(Mean±SD) 134.58°±9.74° 1.07(0.99~1.14) 0.074
Boogaard角[M(Q25,Q75)] 158.10°(148.00°,165.40°) 1.04(1.00~1.08) 0.026
HNFA[M(Q25,Q75)] 88.20°(79.60°,94.05°) 0.94(0.88~1.00) 0.035
OS(Mean±SD) 28.79°±10.37° 0.99(0.95~1.04) 0.800
CCA(Mean±SD) 57.50°±6.61° 1.02(0.95~1.10) 0.570
SCA(Mean±SD) 77.87°±10.22° 1.01(0.96~1.07) 0.579
CraI(Mean±SD) 68.94°±8.53° 1.04(0.98~1.10) 0.220
表3 Boogaard角与ΔPRO-JOA的多模型比较
图3 ΔPRO-JOA与Boogaard角之间的相关性
表4 分段线性回归分析Boogard角对ΔPRO-JOA的阈值效应和饱和效应
表5 关于Boogaard角的文献回顾
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