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中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (06) : 334 -340. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-123X.2024.06.003


陈靖1, 刘天奇1, 王莉莉1, 尹立全1,()   
  1. 1.130033 长春,吉林大学中日联谊医院康复科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-01 出版日期:2024-12-15
  • 通信作者: 尹立全

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for muscle spasm after stroke:a Meta-analysis

Jing Chen1, Tianqi Liu1, Lili Wang1, Liquan Yin1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Rehabilitation,China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University,Changchun 130033,China
  • Received:2024-06-01 Published:2024-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Liquan Yin

陈靖, 刘天奇, 王莉莉, 尹立全. 体外冲击波治疗脑卒中后肌痉挛的Meta分析[J/OL]. 中华脑科疾病与康复杂志(电子版), 2024, 14(06): 334-340.

Jing Chen, Tianqi Liu, Lili Wang, Liquan Yin. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for muscle spasm after stroke:a Meta-analysis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Brain Diseases and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2024, 14(06): 334-340.




通过检索知网、维普、万方、中华医学期刊全文数据库、PubMed、Web of Science、Embase、Cochrane Library数据库,搜集有关ESWT 治疗脑卒中后肌痉挛的随机对照实验,检索时限为建库至2024 年3 月17 日。由2 名筛选员挑选符合纳入标准的文献并提取数据,运用RevMan5.3 软件进行Meta 分析。


共纳入12篇文献,包括736例患者,其中观察组368例(采用ESWT联合其他传统康复治疗方法),对照组368 例(单纯采用与观察组相对应的传统康复方法)。Meta 分析结果显示,观察组MAS评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(MD=-0.32,95%CI:-0.58~-0.06,P=0.02);观察组FMA 评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(MD=4.63,95%CI:2.60~6.65,P<0.001);观察组MBI 评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(MD=8.21,95%CI:3.91~12.50,P<0.001);观察组PROM 评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(MD=5.88,95%CI:1.33~10.42,P=0.01)。


单纯ESWT 或ESWT 联合其他疗法在缓解脑卒中后肌痉挛方面具有显著疗效。


To systematically review the clinical effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of muscle spasm after stroke.


Computer searches were conducted on CNKI,VIP,Wanfang,Chinese Medical Journal Full Text Database,PubMed,Web of Science,Embase,and Cochrane Library databases to collect randomized controlled trials related to extracorporeal shock wave therapy for post-stroke muscle spasms.The search deadline was from database establishment until March 17,2024. Two screeners selected literature that met the inclusion criteria and extracted data,and conducted meta-analysis using RevMan5.3 software.


A total of 12 articles were included,with a total of 736 patients,including 368 in the observation group (treated with ESWT combined with other traditional rehabilitation methods) and 368 in the control group (treated with traditional rehabilitation methods corresponding to the observation group).The Meta-analysis results showed that the MAS score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant [MD=-0.32,95%CI:-0.58-(0.06),P=0.02] ; The FMA score of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (MD=4.63,95%CI:2.60-6.65,P<0.001); The MBI score of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(MD=8.21,95%CI:3.91-12.50,P<0.001); The PROM score of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (MD=5.88,95%CI:1.33-10.42,P=0.01).


Simple ESWT or ESWT combined with other therapies have significant therapeutic effects in alleviating muscle spasms after stroke.

图1 文献筛选流程图
Fig.1 Flowchart of literature screening
表1 纳入文献的基本特征
Tab.1 Basic characteristics of included literature
文献 样本量(观察组/对照组) 年龄(岁,Mean±SD) 干预措施 随访时长 结局指标
观察组 对照组 观察组 对照组
Brunelli等[5] 20/20 54.80±17.29 62.18±16.17 ESWT+常规康复训练 常规康复训练 4周
Taheri等[6] 14/14 56.50±11.60 54.90±9.40 ESWT+药物治疗+康复训练 药物治疗+康复训练 12周 ②④⑤
段好阳等[7] 18/18 51.80±6.20 52.60±7.90 ESWT+BTX-A局部注射+常规康复训练 伪ESWT+BTX-A局部注射+常规康复训练 4周 ①②③④
樊俊才[8] 30/30 50.05±5.62 49.96±5.78 ESWT+常规康复治疗+巴氯芬 常规康复治疗+巴氯芬 4周 ①②
高林[9] 14/14 55.34±1.27 55.52±1.36 ESWT+常规康复治疗 常规康复训练 2周 ①②③
李阔[10] 42/42 64.57±6.53 64.13±7.02 ESWT+手法按摩+运动疗法 手法按摩+运动疗法 4周
李亚梅等[11] 30/30 56.53±8.53 55.17±8.26 ESWT+基础治疗+常规康复 基础治疗+常规康复 4周 ④⑤
罗玲华等[12] 30/30 60.05±9.06 61.03±9.14 ESWT+上肢智能反馈训练 常规康复训练 4周 ①②③⑤
孟海超等[13] 60/60 67.25±6.29 66.87±6.50 ESWT+振动训练+常规康复+巴氯芬 常规康复+巴氯芬 4周 ①②③
石彦桦[14] 20/20 54.60±13.96 53.05±12.37 ESWT+常规康复训练 常规康复训练 4个月 ①②
孙雪等[15] 30/30 55.83±11.05 58.30±10.95 ESWT+常规康复+针灸 常规康复+针灸 4周 ①②
王腾等[16] 60/60 54.40±3.50 55.10±3.20 ESWT+振动训练+康复训练+心理干预+药物 康复训练+心理干预+药物 4周 ①②③④⑤
图2 纳入文献的偏倚风险评价结果
Fig.2 Risk assessment results of bias included in the literature
图3 Fugel-Meyer肢体运动功能评定量表评分森林图
Fig.3 Forest plot of Fugl-Meyer assessment scale scores
图4 改良Ashworth量表评分森林图
Fig.4 Forest Plot of modified Ashworth scale scores
图5 改良Barthel指数评分森林图
Fig.5 Forest plot of modified Barthel index scores
图6 关节被动活动度评分森林图
Fig.6 Forest plot of passive range of movement scores
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